Thanksgiving, another great reason to go to Nashville. Having no immediate family anywhere close usually means we don't travel to parents for Thanksgiving. It is just too far for such a short time. We do however, love having some of Simon's family nearby whom we can spend Thanksgiving with.
We traveled to Nashville Wednesday morning to stay with Kira, Andrew and Alana, and Jessica and Grant met us there from Alabama.
A picture of some quality gaming time :)
As always, one of the best parts of visiting Nashville is seeing this cutie.
And one of the best parts of the holidays is the food! This Thanksgiving feast didn't disappoint.
Look at all this delicious food!
Can't beat it!
Family, of couse, is the truly best part about the holidays. Memories in the kitchen or on the couch, the holidays brings people together. This year, there was certainly plenty for us to be thankful for.
On top of a wonderful meal, we also had fun playing games, baking cookies (and then eating too many of them), sitting around the fire, and going to the shooting range.
We have tried a couple of times to make it to the shooting range while in town, but it never quite worked out. This time around, though, it did, and Andrew was an awesome host.
It was a fun outdoor range. I had never been to one before, and it was a good first experience.
Andrew is setting up the clay pigeons on the hill in the background.
We had a lot of fun shooting and even hitting a thing or two.
As is typical with a cute toddler bobbling around, we all spent a lot of time enjoying watching Alana.
Alana, Simon bonding time.
Copy cat
It is nice to have family close enough for a holiday weekend trip. We are thankful for those relationships and for the time we get to spend together. Lots of love and thanks to the Fleshmans for, as always, being excellent hosts.
I'm also thankful that I got to sneak in an early morning coffee date with my best friend, Katie, who was home for the holidays in TN.
This is a picture from Thanksgiving, 2009 while we were studying abroad together. Love and miss this girl. I'm glad we can reunite in Nashville now and again.
We headed back home Saturday morning to beat the rush, and to enjoy some time at home before it was back to the grind.
Happy (belated) Thanksgiving
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